Friday, April 9, 2010

Remember Plopu 25 (2)


We live in an age when fight has become a form of existence, personally or collectively.
George Coşbuc wrote these memorable lyrics:
"Life’s a fight; so fight!"
People fight for survival, emancipation, honor, sovereignty, power, domination, benefit, vital area, acknowledgement, appreciation, interior and social peace, prizes, truth, love, health, healthy environment, resources, etc. Which is the situation in the spiritual domain?
Is fight necessary? What do we fight for?
Is grace compatible with fight?
What does
"the good fight" mean?
Is fight an option or a command, from God’s perspective?
What are the specific forms of this fight?
With what or with whom shall we fight?

We have the example of a man, the apostle Paul, who has advised to fight, who has himself fought and who has ended up his life with the victorious statement that he ended this fight well.
If you’re interested in this subject, and you should be, we’re dearly waiting for you at Plopu!
The theme of this year is
“Fight the good fight!" (1 Tim. 6:12). You are invited to read 1 & 2 Timothy!
The camp will take place between 1-8 August. It is a tent camp and the place is Plopu vill [at about 10 km away from Armenis, Caras-Severin].
The camp's schedule is organized in 4 main sections:
- morning devotional [relation and meditation];
- morning program [study and aplication];
- afternoon program [sport and entertainment];
- evening program [challenge and impulse].
Camp fire, games, competitions and especially the time dedicated to God and reading the Scripture, won't be missing from the camp's schedule.
As a youth camp, the age of the members is between 14-30 years old. Those under 14 will need a companion, and those over 30 will need a young heart!

Remeber Plopu 25 (2)

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